
Qrop®mix Reqoated

Physical mixes coated with micronutrients

Las Qrop®mix Reqoated mixes are granulated fertilizers that are custom-made, and their main feature is that all their components are impregnated with micronutrients, improving the availability, distribution and absorption of these microelements by the plants.

For more information: Contact us

  • They help to improve the absorption of micronutrients and the growth of your crops.
  • They enhance the results of your crops, optimizing the profitability of your business.
  • Attain a better distribution of the fertilizer by having micronutrients in the mix.
  • Coated with micronutrients to optimize crop nutrition.
  • Ideal for all types of crops, especially for cereals, meadows and fruits.
  • They are customized to adjust to your particular needs.

For more information on other Custom-made products, visit Qrop® Mix and Ultrasol® Special

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